Is This What Scarlett Johansson Would've Looked Like As Lisbeth Salander?

“We flew in people from New Zealand and Swaziland and all over the place,” David Fincher said last year about trying to cast Lisbeth Salander for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” “Look, we saw some amazing people. Scarlett Johansson was great. It was a great audition, I’m telling you. But the thing with Scarlett is, you can’t wait for her to take her clothes off.”

In case you need that translated, Fincher felt that ultimately, ScarJo was just too hot to play the socially maladjusted Lisbeth, and we wouldn’t argue with that. But what if she did get the role? While this shot for the latest issue of W magazine is supposed to represent “the ’90s” (really? it looks like it represents Hot Topic) it does get the actress into some goth gear which we don’t see everyday. So tweak that patch of grey to black (and give it a trim), maybe change the lipstick and a few other adjustments….could it have worked? Here’s the full image — weigh in below. [Celebitchy]
