Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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New VFX Reel For ‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Highlights The Digital Details Of The Blockbuster Movie

Despite what you may think of the overall quality of “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice,” I’m sure that most will admit that it was an impressive feat of CGI after watching this 12 minute visual effects reel. The reel covers a lot of huge moments from the film, ranging from the Knightmare sequence to Doomsday’s birth. Yet, the background effects truly stand out as the most impressive. The addition of background characters or digitally manipulated settings is truly a testament to the work of visual effects artists, whose painstaking work is sometimes relegated to a few frames obscured behind the main characters.

While I was no fan of the film, I find the effort that went into even the most minor details truly staggering. If you found yourself wondering how Superman’s cape always flows perfectly, that’s because it actually never existed on set. Seriously, the job of a few visual effects artists was to digitally create a cape.

READ MORE: ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Leads Razzies Nominations Shortlist

While the film missed out on an Oscar Nominee for Best Visual Effects, it still remains one of the more integrated use of computer imagery this past year (at least more than “Deepwater Horizon,” which strangely got nominated over it). Snyder has always been a director who overloads his films with CGI. Yet, the integration of practical sets augmented with visual effects is quite stunning. Additionally, there were a few photo real sequences from the film that the reel reveals to be entirely created by computer animation. Check out the video to see how everything came together. [Collider]

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