Mark Romanek's High Tech Video For Justin Timberlake's "Filthy"

Justin Timberlake has spent the week getting bruised up a bit for his Man Of The Woods album announcement. It seems the actor and singer has discovered the powerful combination of Terrence Malick films and L.L. Bean catalogs, along with the works of Bon Iver. It’s all a bit corny, but the bucolic setting of his record teaser didn’t prepare anybody for this.

“Filthy” sees Mark Romanek get behind the camera, for a promo that unfortunately doesn’t quite work, to put it politely. Timberlake plays a Steve Jobs-esque type tech guru who introduces some “I, Robot” style dancing androids. It all feels horribly dated, or at best, like scrap material from “Ex Machina” or “The Circle” or something. It’s an oddball video, and concept seems out step with vibe of the actual album, which in case you forgot, is called Man Of The Woods.

The LP drops on February 2nd.