Friday, March 21, 2025

Got a Tip?

10 Haunted House Films You’ll Never Forget

You may not have noticed, as there’s been absolutely no marketing, or themed TV episodes, or party invitations, but it’s Halloween again. The Playlist team is already assembling their collective Human Centipede outfit for the weekend, but if you’re not keen on fancy dress, or maybe just fancy a night in with a movie, what are your options?

READ MORE: The 50 Best Horror Movies Of The 21st Century So Far

In theaters, they’re not great — “Paranormal Activity 2” is surprisingly ok, but you may have already caught that last weekend. “Saw 3D” hits theaters today, but hopefully you’re crossing the road to avoid that one already. We’d recommend “Let Me In” if you can find anywhere that’s still showing it, but otherwise maybe it’s time to hit the classics.

READ MORE: The 25 Best Foreign Language Horror Movies Ever

Inspired by the season, by the release of “Paranormal Activity 2,” and by the banging, we hear in the attic at night, we’ve compiled a list of 10 of our favorites from one of the most prominent horror sub-genres: the haunted house picture. Next year sees two new haunted house flicks that are getting some decent buzz: the Guillermo del Toro-produced “Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark,” and “Insidious,” from original “Saw” helmer James Wan, and further down the line we’ll see Daniel Radcliffe taking on one of the classics of the genre, “The Woman In Black.” So, what better time to pick out our 10, which should provide a decent night’s entertainment over the holiday weekend. Check them out after the jump.

READ MORE: The 25 Best Horror Films Of the 1980s

And if you missed it last year, you can check out our Halloween feature on the Best Horror Scores of all time here.

Hausu” (1977)
When Robert Rodriguez consults his son, Racer, about what he wants to see in a movie, Troublemaker Films gave us “Shorts.” But when Nobuhiko Obayashi asked his 12-year-old daughter what she wanted to see in a movie, we got “Hausu.” Advantage: Obayashi. To limit “Hausu” to the genre of horror comedy is to ignore a film that is completely bent in every way, a celebration of all things peculiar. The story concerns a group of girls away at a summer home run by a ghostly aunt, but that neglects to mention the omniscient cat, the carnivorous piano, and the pools of stop-motion blood that populate this mad, one-of-a-kind film. Fans of “The Evil Dead” will find a lot to worship, but so will true lovers of camp: “Hausu” moves herky-jerkily from set piece to set piece with the sort of pacing given to musicals with expository surrounding tissue. And then a head is chopped off, but the good vibes remain, creating perhaps the cheeriest, most infectious bloodbath in cinematic history. To see “Hausu” is to love “Hausu.” As you’ll have seen from our review yesterday, a shiny new Criterion edition hit stores this week and is well worth picking up.

Session 9” (2001)
There are few horror movie locations as terrifying as the Danvers State Mental Hospital in Massachusetts. Brad Anderson, a director who works wonders with atmosphere, didn’t have to do much to make the setting a character in its own right. As a result, “Session 9,” dealing with an overstressed asbestos removal team in the location, alternates between upsetting shock scares and unnerving moments of characters beginning to question their own sanity. The story gradually comes apart, but it’s the details (particularly a truly unsettling series of audiotapes) that let “Session 9” truly inhabit the darkest areas of the mind. It helps that the cast, including Peter Mullan, Josh Lucas, veteran character actor Paul Guilfoyle, horror vet Larry Fessenden and, in an almost unique occurrence, a decent performance from David Caruso, are a cut above the disposable teens you usually find in this kind of thing. The film more-or-less disappeared on release, but it’s gained a cult following since, and it’s well worth tracking down.

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