20 New 'Gravity' Photos Show Off The Visual Spectacle Of Alfonso Cuaron's Sci-Fi Epic


At this point, you can probably assemble all of the photos released from Alfonso Cuaron‘s space-set mindbender “Gravity,” put them into a little book like John Travolta in “Blow Out,” and flip through them, playing the entire movie. But guess what? There are more! Get ready for 20 new, insanely gorgeous photos from “Gravity,” featuring stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, plus some wonderful behind-the-scenes images of Cuaron working his magical magic.

In the movie, Bullock and Clooney play astronauts who are sent adrift through the darkest recesses of space after a cataclysmic event. Just reading the script made us break out into a cold sweat, so we can only imagine how watching it, in fully dimensional 3D will feel (you can read our Venice review here). By all accounts the movie is going to be a visual and emotional tour de force, and we cannot wait. (Our flipbook version sucks.)

“Gravity” will open everywhere (on this planet, at least) on October 4th.

Gravity, BullockGravity, CuaronGravity, BullockGravityGravity, BullockGravity,GravityGravity, ClooneyGravityGravityGravityGravityGravityGravity, CuaronGravity, skipGravityGravity (skip)GravityGravity, CuaronGravity, Cuaron