'Control' DVD Coming March 25; Engaging, Exciting Film Not Included

“Control,”Anton Corbijn tedious mournful kitchen-sink drama debut, about the life and untimely death of Joy Division’s misanthropist Ian Curtis is coming to DVD via the Weinstein Company on March 25.

While no details on the North American version are out yet, the British version which comes out Feb 11 – and which we can cavalierly assume contains the same features – includes the 25-minute featurette “Making of Control” (interviews with Corbijn, star Sam Riley and writer Matt Greenhalgh), directory commentary – covering the Dutch director’s experiences making “Control” -, extended scenes, full performances by the Joy Division actors performing the songs “Transmission,” “Leaders of Men” and “Candidate,” plus JD’s “Atmosphere” ’88 video also famously lensed by Corbijn.

Many people, including us, incorrectly assumed that the documentary about the Mancunian post-punk depressives “Joy Division” would be bundled with the DVD, but seeing as it hasn’t even come out in theaters proper (it will screen at SXSW), that’s not gonna happy you silly twits [ed. yeah, jackass]. In case you didn’t know how we felt about “Control.”