Happy New Year From The Playlist - And We're Back

Annnnnd, we’re back. We wanted to make a quick note to thank all those people that kept visiting our site over the holidays (30% increase in traffic while we barely posted? Umm, ok). Hope everyone had a happy holidays and a fun New Years night.

If you’re wondering about out Top 10s of the year (you’re probably not), well, they’re coming. We don’t necessarily feel obliged to rush it and or run it just cause it’s within the year of 2007. It’ll be here soon; plus we wanted to watch everything and catch up on all the outstanding 2007 films. Watch for some reviews of “Atonement,” “Sweeney Todd,” “The Kite Runner” and “Charlie Wilson’s War” in the next couple days – we’ll be playing catch up for a while.

Oh and while we’re at it, rent Sarah Polley’s early ’07 film “Away From Her” starring the very-amazing performance of the estimable Julie Christie. It’s a fantastic little debut film. Anywoo, Happy New Year all. Oh and an reminder. The fifth season of “The Wire” has started. Get on that shit now. Oh and we resolve to be that much more awesome in 2008.

Watch: Abba – “Happy New Year”