'Iron Man' Writers Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby To Tool Up 'Tomb Raider' Reboot

A couple of months ago it was announced that GK Films was rebooting the “Tomb Raider” franchise for a 2013 release and they are moving full steam ahead.

Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby have been hired on to pen the screenplay for the upcoming film. The choice is actually a pretty good step in the right direction particularly for the franchise that has yet to deliver one watchable movie as the duo have penned “Children Of Men” but more importantly (at least in this case) “Iron Man” and “Cowboys And Aliens.” The former pretty much set the bar for Marvel films while the latter is shaping up to be one of the more inventive entries of the summer season. Of course, it will remain to be seen where they take the story, but Fergus and Ostby are more than comfortable with genre material and their hire shows that GK Films aren’t fucking around.

The big question left to answer is who will take on Lara Croft. Angelina Jolie confirmed herself as bankable talent the last time around, and the series could be a major stepping stone for whichever young thesp steps into the part. There are no shortage of candidates and it will interesting to see which direction the filmmakers go in, but we think they should just cast Zoe Saldana and get it over with.