The Pick Of The Playlist's Comments Section In 2012

nullOh commenters, you make writing this site worthwhile for us. We just put our pithy little thoughts out into the world and you are our reflection. Hell, we could do a feature with just the comments on our end of the year features.  So many of you offer wonderful insight, suggestions, compliments and feedback, and please know that your presence makes it easier to deal with our favorite crazy conspiracy theorists, Rpatz super fans, and those who HATE our year end lists! Here's a selection of some of our favorites from 2012.

nullAnon Ymus on Mark Wahlberg and the Korean War:

From a post about the sequel to "The Fighter," Anon Ymus takes Wahlberg to task for ignoring the 60th anniversary of the Korean War:

"—Wahlberg continues to waste his time and ours. Meanwhile, as Globalism, TREASON and EUGENICS agendas unfold all around us, Hollywood continues to BALK and RUN from the awesomely relevant 60th Anniversary of the ——————–KOREAN WAR———————. ___________________Where are you Wahlberg?"

Awesomely relevant, as always, Anon.

Of course he returned to warn us of "The Whispery Cowboy," later that month:

—Business as 'USE–YOU–ALL' as Hollywood continues to BALK and RUN form the awesomely relevant –20th –30th –40th –50th and now 60th Anniversary of the ————————KOREAN WAR———————— More disturbign is that Eastwood himself is a Korea era draftee who NEVER went. Beyond this, he's been delivering a whole string of skilfully demoralizing, 'EUGENICS friendly' POST American works —for decades. BEWARE the whispery cowboy.

Ok, never mind, totally stealing "Business as USE–YOU–ALL."

Will SmithWill Smith Fan Feels Conflicted About Will Smith

"WillSmithSucks" was up in arms about the lack of a Will Smith joint on the soundtrack to "Men in Black 3." And he was alone in that sentiment… 

"This is such bullshit. Was really looking forward to another summer anthem from Will. What is he doing that he's so busy he can't record a hit? Seriously, what the fuck Will Smith? Give the people what they want!"

Really Will Smith! Give WillSmithSucks what he wants!

We should really just change the name of our website to the "Los Dochedores Clubhouse."

Miracle of miracles, we are doing God's work here, as our reporting on "Jackass" sequels was able to bring about the unification of this fine, upstanding group of young men, who were able to organize their gang called the Los Dochedores in our comments section. The whole thing is worth a read, but the highlight is definitely young "john" here, responding to "ethum":

"thnx amilion were do we all meat"

"Were do we all meat' indeed.

nullAt least one Playlist staffer is going to name a dog "Toby III" thanks to this award-winning commenter:

On our "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" take on "The Amazing Spider-man," "Eric" did us one better, we have to admit, it's not a bad review. Two award winning screenplays after all!

"I admired the detail of this review, but I wondered what its purpose was. I enjoyed the movie, despite what the reviewer's POV saw. I'm no novice – having watched movies for 60 years, and written two award-winning (unproduced) screenplays. And I don't care about the validity of the science, or the first act being (semi)repetitive of the Toby Spidey movies. Who cares? I like it, and it got produced! HEre's my much-shorter review: "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" A great new start. I was curious: Why another Spiderman movie so soon? I saw it in 2D the other night, and I loved it. I've been going to movies for 60+ years, and have written 2 award-winning screenplays. I liked the first two Toby movies, but compared to this one, Toby's seem like romantic comedies. (I turned off the DVD of Toby III because of the foolish petty-jealousy subplot.) Garfield's Spidey seems more sensitive and intelligent than Toby's. And Gwen is more humble and vulnerable than Mary Jane. While I was at first put off by The Lizard (shades of Godzilla!), when he Jekylls back into his human form – with a hopeful inspiring vision – I could accept it. I liked the climax and the ending. And sit through the credits!"

And sit through the credits! For an added bonus, here's a dramatic reading of the comment from Playlister Chris Bell.

nullSometimes we don't know when we're being had. Also, "Bachelorette" is a film about white people, for black people!

"LeonRaymond" breaks it down for us. Is this a joke? It's a joke, right?

"For a Black man , this films looks awesome, cause we in the Black world don't get a chance to see close to real portrayals of White folk and this look like it was done well, we will like the way is filmed and actors chosen. And that's the entire point of seeing a film is too see a new world in a new way. Two thumbs up for me"

"Vin" knows who we really are…

Also, there are dire consequences for not liking "The Hangover 2."

"If you dint enjoy the Hangover 2, youre probably a fat film snob with no sex life. So what it was the same idea as the first, loosen up. Hall-ah city of squalla!"


nullWe're worried about you, "L2431"…

That doesn't mean we still don't find this comment rant completely hilarious. A favorite:

"They say this Day would come,,,wow!! a pleasure Dude FAR OUT IM A HIRED FAGALAY,YOU KNOW what actually movie im talking about uhm ill give you hint uhm uhm Scarface "OR GRABBED EVIL MELT KITTY MEOW THEY HIRED ME ALEC BALDWIN" he's in it deep,,ALRIGHT HERE WE GO UHM UHM HOW CAN I SAY THIS FAR OUT,NOW I GOT TO SEE IF HE'S TO STRICT FDC LIABILITY!!!!!!!!!!"

Larry Clark might have pissed off the locals shooting his latest…

As "Melaney" informs us in this post on Clark's newest feature:

"Thanks for not including pictures of when he was filming this in my yard, without my knowledge, and when I tried to pull into my own driveway I was told basically to fuck off. Thanks for not including those pictures."

You're welcome?

Sometimes our commenters just need a forum to talk about "Jumanji."

"Andrew Lovett," we're not quite sure why you chose our Martin Scorsese birthday feature to mention the need for a sequel to "Jumanji," but yeah, man! Sounds good!

"they should make another jumanji film or remake the other one in 3d or do both"

Good point!

Thanks for all your feedback all, it's been a fun year. Bonus. One more dramatic reading from Chris Bell that cracked us up this year.