'X-Men: First Class' Set For June 3, 2011 Release Date; Matthew Vaughn To Direct

20th Century Fox are wasting no time with this one and no wonder Bryan Singer had to get kicked to the executive producer curb so quickly, the studio are raring to go.

Matthew Vaughn (“Kick-Ass,” “Stardust” “Layer Cake”) has officially been welcomed back to the “X-Men” and 20th Century Fox fold. The director ruffled major feathers in 2005 when he walked away from “X-Men: The Last Stand,” after he had already negotiated his deal and just a scant nine weeks before cameras were set to roll. Fox had to scramble and they found a new director in Brett Ratner, but they were not happy with Vaughn’s last minute ditch (though ironically, Ratner’s version went on to be the most profitable even if it is generally disliked by fans).

But, time heals all wounds in Hollywood. As reported earlier this week, Vaughn officially sealed the deal to direct the newest iteration of the “X-Men” franchise, this one a teenage-set story about the origins of the original mutants called, “X-Men: First Class.”

So hot to trot with this one, Fox has already given it a June 3, 2011 release date which probably means shooting will commence later this year.

“X-Men: First Class” was written by Jamie Moss who wrote “Street Kings” and 2006 Black List favored screenplay “Last Man Home.” The story is based off a treatment by Singer as he was originally scheduled to direct before Fox decided they needed a 2011 sooner than his schedule would offer (he’s shooting, “Jack The Giant Killer” this summer).

Btw, so Fox will have to shoot this thing pretty damn soon if they want it to be ready, effects and all, for next June, right? Well, apparently Bryan Singer has been using “Jack The Giant Killer” casting as a way to look out for “X-Men: First Class” actors, so movement might have started quicker than any of us originally anticipated. We’re just hoping they’re not rushing this picture too much. It’s not gonna surprise us if they go with some relative unknowns or at least teenage actors who don’t cost a fortune (most of them).