Chris Pine Is The New Jack Ryan?

Variety reports that Chris Pine, star of this summer’s “Star Trek,” is set to become Paramount’s bitch boy. He’s close to signing onto two new projects with the studio, most importantly a new offering in the Jack Ryan saga based on the books from Tom Clancy. Ryan’s been the focal point of four action movies so far, where the CIA “analyst” always found himself jumping from explosions, out of cars, onto terrorists, etc. The last effort, the post-9/11 “The Sum of All Fears” with Ben Affleck, made a shade under $200 million worldwide and even sparked talk of a John Woo-helmed “Rainbow Six” spinoff starring the John Clark character, but the studio was probably reticent to gamble on the then-toxic Affleck for a franchise and didn’t want the negative P.R. involved with hiring a new actor.

No talent has been attached behind the camera for the reboot, though in the past, both Fernando Merielles and Sam Raimi were, Raimi departing because Paramount wouldn’t bet on James Franco as Ryan, and Merielles out because everyone saw “Blindness.” Originally, there were plans to adapt “Red Rabbit,” which was a prequel/naked plea for a movie adaptation to feature a younger Ryan, but there’s no report on what storyline they are currently aiming for. George Clooney reportedly showed interest in the franchise, which would mean adapting the more ludicrous final books in the series where Ryan becomes President, but producers claim they are still interested in a younger angle.

Pine, currently shooting “Unstoppable” with the studio, is also in talks for Paramount’s “The Art Of Making Money,” a drama which would team him with DJ Caruso, a dimbulb director who doesn’t have much luck with money (“Two For The Money”- pretty bad even for latter day Pacino). Pine would play a professional counterfeiter in the fact-based drama, which would shoot early next year. With all these balls in the air, where does that leave “Star Trek 2”? Is Paramount waiting on DVD sales before committing? Is Pine playing hardball in negotiations or something? We hope he’s bargaining for more green chicks to nail.