McG Challenges Michael Bay To Totally Heterosexual Dick Measuring Contest With Explosions And Fast Moving Cars

Macho, energy-drink enthusiasts McG and Michael Bay, two directors known for their inability to access subtle and small intimate moments of any kind onscreen, are so similar and cut from the same type of cloth that it appears this sci-fi/action movie town may be too small for the both of them.

The two have butted heads in the past but especially this year, since both of them seem insecure enough about their summer blockbusters which both contain giant robots (Bay has “Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen,” and McGinty has “Terminator: Salvation”). Bay has dissed the other film this year with “giant robots,” the slur low enough not to mention the picture by name and McG has said the the swipe bothered him. “Ultimately, our large robots have nothing to do with the Transformers robots,” he explained.

Now their quantity over quality argument is extending down to their loins; obviously the bigger-is-better mentality pervades their personas. Or at least McG”s sort of jokingly challenged Bay to a totally heterosexual penis-off.

“Michael Bay has a big cock. But I’d like to believe mine is bigger. If he’s up for it, we can both reveal ourselves on the Spartacus steps at Universal and put the question to rest.”

Bay has yet to accept the challenge or respond on the forums of his website where he generally replies to these kinds of comments and contests, but obviously Michael Bay has a larger cock, duh. We hope you have a place to take your ballsack and hide after this McG. Calls to NASA to judge ‘Salvation’ and ‘Revenge’ and determine total extremiosity have yet to be returned. [GQ]