Jason Schwartzman Writing The Music For Judd Apatow's 'Funny People'

Thanks to The Playlist reader, Mckenzie for the tip. Like the rest of the blogosphere, we were in such a rush to put up the trailer to Judd Apatow’s dramedy “Funny People” yesterday, we failed to notice one rather interesting and kind of awesome tidbit of information.

Jason Schwartzman, who also co-stars, is writing the music for the film. How can we confirm this beyond a shadow of a doubt? See above in our graphic. “Music by Jason Schwartzman” is right there clear as day in the credits.

This is actually pretty cool. Schwartzman already moonlights with music in his one-man indie-pop side project, Coconut Records. His 2007 debut album, Nighttiming, featured singing guest vocal appearances by Zooey Deschanel and Kirsten Stewart. The melancholy, yet hopeful score to “Knocked Up” by Loudon Wainwright III (also a frequent Apatow cameo-maker, or supporting cast member) was one of our absolute favorites from the last few years, so we hope Schwartzman uses that as a jumping off point. It would fit the material here as well and Coconut Records spry pop does have a winsome and bittersweet underbelly as well.

Despite his busy acting schedule, Schwartzman/ Coconut Records actually had time to release a sophomore record called, Davy, in January of this year. We’re a little bit behind on our record buying and need to pick this one up soon, Nighttiming was rather winning.

You’ve probably read enough about “Funny People” this week, but for more, check out the trailer and our story about it. The film, which is poised to be the most mature sad/funny work of Apatow’s career, will be in theaters on July 31.
Coconut Records – “West Coast”

Coconut Records – “This Old Machine” f/Kirsten Dunst on vocals