Watch: Boston Bruins Playoff Ad Narrated By The Yellow King From 'True Detective'

True Detective, season finale

As HBO gears up for an Emmy run for “True Detective” — controversially, not submitting the show in the Miniseries categories — here’s a new way to get creeped out by The Yellow King.

If you live within the vicinity of a NHL playoff team, you likely already know from co-workers and Facebook posts that right now a bunch of dudes on skates are trying to win a giant silver goblet by putting a rubber disc into a piece of mesh stretched between a metal, red frame. And one of those teams is the Boston Bruins, who are currently facing off against the Detroit Red Wings (thanks Google!). To try and drum up some excitement, ad company Arnold Worldwide has put together a couple of TV spots, one of them narrated by Glenn Fleshler aka Errol aka The Yellow King. Time is a flat circle indeed.

Granted, he’s not using his bizzaro accent from the show, but all we can picture is the dude above talking about hockey which is unsettling. Anyway, see for yourself below and then check out another spot that is all single-note piano keys and gravitas. [AdRants]