Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Watch: DC Films Unveils Concept Art & Character Details Of Aquaman, Flash & Cyborg

AquamanSo yep, DC Films went whole hog today. First they revealed some concept art of the (rather self-serious looking) Justice League; then they unveiled the "Suicide Squad” trailerthen the first footage of “Wonder Woman with Gal Gadot; and finally, new concept art and story and character details about their remaining Justice League characters, Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg.

Jason Momoa stars as Aquaman, and that film, directed by James Wan, dives into theaters on July 27, 2018. (Amber Heard is also in talks to star). Ezra Miller stars as the Flash and his film will race into theaters March 23, 2018 (though currently it has no director). Ray Fisher will play the plugged-in, cybernetic Cyborg character and his movie will hit on April 3, 2020.

Production on the ”Justice League” feature is set to begin this spring in London, and it will boast all three of these characters. Directed by Zack Snyder, “Justice League Part One” will debut in theaters on November 17, 2017. Watch the footage below with the actors in each part discussing the roles.

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