Bruce Lee Biopics Approved By Siblings, Sam Worthington Joins 'The Candidate'

Bruce Lee’s siblings have given the go-ahead for a Chinese company to develop a series of biographical films of the martial arts star. The film’s producer added: “There will be kung fu … But more importantly, we want to portray the real Bruce Lee. What is the real Bruce Lee like? He was very humorous. He was very obedient to his parents. He was very kind to his family,”” Bruce Lee, the dramedy? [THR]

Morgan Spurlock is teaming with Dark Horse to create a graphic novel companion to his 2004 film “Super Size Me.” Titled “Supersized: Strange Tales From a Fast Food Culture,” the novel will be written by Spurlock and feature bizarre stories about the U.S.’s obsession with fast food that weren’t seen in the film while still hoping to make a point about health and nutrition. Publication is due in the spring. [THR]

Despite being winning the race to play the lead in Martin Campbell’s “Green Lantern,” Ryan Reynolds has apparently reaffirmed his ambitions to reprise his role of “Deadpool.” “There’s no rule that says you can’t play two different characters in two different comic-book universes,” the actor proclaimed. “There are so many interesting comic book characters out there…I would love to do others.” That’s totally true, however, will anyone care about that project in 2012/13 when it would finally come out? Some of us don’t even care now. This was also tweeted by Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld who has a vested interest and we’re not sure just how “recent” these Reynolds quotes are. He said the exact same thing during the “Wolverine” press cycles months before he had anything to do with “Green Lantern” publicly; it’s possible he was using that press and juice to position himself as a viable super hero actor? We’re still not convinced this project from a minor villain will ever happen. [Twitter]

Did the, blech, “Twitter Effect” kill “Bruno’s” chances at a box office success? Speculation has it bad word via twitter played a big role in the 73% drop of the film in it’s second weekend. Twitter probably played a part but, as per usual, the media is overstating the case. The recent studio Twitter bandwagon and the articles that have ensued are rather amusing. [LA Times]

Next after “Avatar” and “Terminator Salvation,” “Clash of The Titans”? Another big tentpole, yes? Nope. Sam Worthington is attached to star in Summit’s remake of the recent Danish thriller “The Candidate.” Beau Willimon has been hired to write the project which will follow an aspiring lawyer who tries to escape a blackmail plot after he wakes up in a hotel room and finds the woman he met the night before dead in the bathroom. At least his moving away from all those geeky projects. Now to see if he actually possess acting chops… [ScreenDaily]

James Mangold is attached to direct an adaptation of the memoir “Three Little Words,” the 2008 memoir by Ashley Rhodes-Courter about her traumatic childhood in foster care. The film will kick off a relationship between Mangold and Jami Gertz’s Lime Orchad Productions. [Variety]