Bummer For The Brofest: Megan Fox's 'Jonah Hex' Appearance Is A "Cameo"

“It’s basically a cameo. She’s a twisted love-interest to Jonah’s character; my part’s pretty small. I worked the first week, and then I was shot out of the movie.” — A loud smattering of groans echoes across the Interwebs as Megan Fox not only reveals her part in the upcoming adaptation of D.C. Comics’ “Jonah Hex” is tiny, her character gets killed tout de suite.

Producers are now pissed as about 15% of the intended audience just hit Twitter to say, “Fuck this, I ain’t buyin’ a ticket now.” Guys, we’ll always have the alien-waste corset memories. [Splashpage]

SPOILER, you’ve been warned. Update: We just checked the script, she dies around page 90, though unless the script has been changed drastically (which is entirely possible, though it is a March 2009 draft), calling her part a “cameo” is being a little modest. She’s in several scenes, but it does feel like a lesser, co-starring role.