Can't Wait For The Sequel? 'Prometheus' Will Live In An Upcoming Comic

nullIt was only a couple of weeks ago that “Prometheus 2” started to become more of a reality, as “Transcendence” writer Jack Paglen got hired to pen the script. And, while it’s a long way off on Ridley Scott‘s calendar (he’s doing that Moses movie next for a 2014 release), those of you anxious or perhaps just curious where the story might go next (and what else there is to explore in that world) might want to find out where your local comic shop is.

Dark Horse Entertainment has told THR that “we’re brewing something up that I think the fans of Ridley Scott’s amazing film will really like.” So deconstruct that however you like. A comic version of the original script, pre-Damon Lindelof rewrites? Side stories from the film? An explanation of why those scientists were kinda total idiots? Bleeding Cool adds that “much in the same way Dark Horse expanded the lore of Aliens with their line of comics from the eighties to the current decade…Dark Horse will now be adding the characters from Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus into the fold.” Hmm….

So something to contemplate for now, with more details promised for Comic-Con. Thoughts? Should this even continue? We haven’t read the Dark Horse “Alien” comics, so we’ll leave it to you guys to tell us if the torch should continue to be lit/carried/whatever for this series on the page…….