Carey Mulligan Won't Be Hillary 'Rodham' Clinton

Carey MulliganIt looks like one major brewing biopic will have to go back to the drawing board to find an actress to lead the movie, so let’s dive right in…

While Carey Mulligan was recently positioned as the frontrunner for the lead in "Rodham," THR now reports that though she was offered the part, she passed on it. The Black List script by Young Il Kim focuses on Hillary Clinton’s student days and her rise into the world of politics, her work on the committee to impeach Richard Nixon, and some dude named Bill. So director James Ponsoldt will have to keep looking, and we’ll see if previously tossed around names like Scarlett Johansson, Amanda Seyfried, Reese Witherspoon and Emma Stone get back into the mix.

A new draft of the script is currently being worked on with Ponsoldt collaborating with Kim, after which time the phone calls for the lead role will start being placed once again.