Cate Blanchett To Step Into Maid Marian Role For Ridley Scott's 'Nottingham?

Sienna Miller might have left, Ridely Scott’s slowly-evolving, “Nottingham” project which centers around Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham tale (Russell Crowe to play both parts? We still don’t get that), but it sounds like they’ve got an even better replacement.

Will Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett play the part? It’s looking that way according to British actor Mark Strong who has already been signed up to play Sir Guy of Gisbourne.

“I think Cate Blanchett is set to take the Maid Marian part,” Strong said at the London Film Critics’ Circle Awards. “She is a wonderful actress and it would make it a much classier film if she was in it.”

Oooh, do we detect a sly dig at Miller’s expense. Strong, you dirty bastard, we didn’t know you had it in you.