Chris Pine Yet To Receive Offer Or Script For 'Green Lantern'

Contrary to rumours , Chris Pine has told MTV that he has not received an offer and has yet to even read a script for the upcoming DC-Comics property “Green Lantern.”

While Pine reveals a meeting did take place between him and executives of the film, he concluded that “a meeting was all it was.” “I have not been offered squat. I do not have the part and haven’t read a script.

Further, it seems that without a script, Pine would be not be signing on for anything, anytime soon: “I’m not a big comic book fan,” he admitted. “I’m a fan of stories – so if there’s a story to be told, I love to tell a good story.”

Early reports had linked Pine to the role along with Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington, Jon Hamm and Nathan Fillion. “Green Lantern” is set to begin shooting in Australia later this year under the helm of Martin Campbell (“Casino Royale”) – albeit despite still missing a main man.