Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Dave Grohl Producing & Directing Doc About Sound City Studio Where ‘Nevermind’ Was Recorded

nullProvided lawsuit happy, bonafide crazy person Courtney Love doesn't sue or get in the way somehow, as she usually does with anything vaguely attached to the memory of Kurt Cobain, this upcoming documentary sounds like it could be a great treat for music fans.

Dave Grohl is producing and directing "Sound City," a documentary about the titular studio where Nirvana recorded Nevermind, just one of the many landmark bands to pass through the doors over the years, laying down some seminal albums. Fleetwood Mac recorded their self-titled album and Rumours there, Neil Young laid down After The Gold Rush, Tom Petty put Damn The Torpedoes to tape, and acts ranging from Rage Against The Machine to Foreigner all spent time at Sound City. The studio is said to have one of the most distinct and best-sounding rooms available, and look on any list of all-time great albums, and a handful will have been recorded at Sound City.

While ordinarily we'd have reservations about a first time filmmaker tackling such a broad subject, there is probably no one better qualified, more enthusiastic about rock 'n roll and music in general, than Grohl, so there will be no doubt he's going to be making something firstly from a fan perspective. And if he's going to be geeking out over this studio and the story behind it, odds are, so will we.

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