Sunday, March 30, 2025

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David Lynch To Direct Duran Duran Concert Webcast

While it’s coming on five years since “Inland Empire” with no word yet of another feature, it’s not like David Lynch hasn’t been keeping busy. He’s been selling coffee, doing weather reports, shooting a campaign for Lady Dior with Marion Cotillard and releasing music (more on that in a second), but his next project is a bit of an eyebrow raiser.

Billboard (via Vulture) reports that Lynch will direct a concert webcast for Duran Duran. This is usually the part where we go WTF!? but frankly, it seems about right for the unpredictable Lynch.

“The stranger it is, the more beautiful it will be. What appeals to us very much about working with David is that we like the way he thinks about things and how he’s always gone out on a limb to make things different than anybody else. He works completely outside of the system, and that’s what we try to do,” said keyboardist Nick Rhodes conveniently forgetting that the concert is part of the “Unstaged” YouTube hosted series hosted by American Express. Take that establishment!

You can tune in on March 23rd — the same day Duran Duran’s new album “All You Need Is Now” drops — at 10 pm to catch the concert. Will Lynch shoot a television screen with a feed of the concert? Will people with rabbit heads appear? Does anyone still listen to Duran Duran? Guess we’ll find out. And oh yeah, the director recently relaunched his website where fans can go check out and purchase his catalog of music and keep tabs on what he’s up to next.

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