There are many ways that “Justice League” could’ve started, but we honestly never thought it would be a scene with kids making a podcast. How very #ontrend. The sequence, one of Joss Whedon‘s additions to the overcooked superhero movie, gave the world their first glance at Henry Cavill‘s digitally altered face, and nobody was the same again.
Korea is gearing up for the home video release of “Justice League” next week, and the promotional wheels have turned up the first three minutes of the movie. Significantly, it gives us all another chance to stare at the uncanny valley of Cavill’s upper lip, and wonder how on Earth anybody at Warner Bros. thought this was a good idea. In fact, the studio could’ve put out a better looking product had they pushed the movie’s release date and spent more time on the VFX, but the release date stuck, partially because executives higher up wanted to keep their bonuses.
Anyway, if you need reminding of the film’s poor attempt to retcon Cavill’s face, or you want to see what everyone is talking about, experience the first three minutes of “Justice League” in all their glory. [Batman News]