While we’re not the biggest fans of 3D around these parts, we do have to say that using the format to watch the “Jackass” gang do horrible, horrible things to their various appendages and orifices is kind of inspired.
In advance of footage set to be unveiled at Comic-Con, the first still for “Jackass 3D” has arrived and rather appropriately, it’s Johnny Knoxville in mid-air on a SeaDoo that seems to have been launched from the back of truck full of water. We imagine the landing is where things get ugly; good thing he has a helmet on.
As you might recall, Paramount gave a greenlight for 3D when the “Jackass” crew impressed studio suits by presenting a scene in which they “tethered a remote control-operated helicopter to [Chris Pontius’] penis, and [he] sat there grinning as the copter swung in circles.” Will that be part of the footage that screens at Comic-Con? We hope so.
“Jackass 3D” hits theaters on October 15th 2010. [Yahoo]