Has The Villain For 'Fast & Furious 7' Been Spoiled? Plus New Theatrical Trailer For 'Fast & Furious 6'

nullOkay crybabies, there will be spoilers below. So don't cry if you still click through and then everything in the universe is ruined for you forever. So with that caveat in mind, let's press forward….

There is probably going to be no movie this summer, nay, this year, more bro-tacular than "Fast & Furious 6." That three-minute trailer was big piece of testosterone served on a pile of steroids and washed down with Monster energy drink. But if you think that provided a big enough preview of the upcoming blockbuster, according to one particular site, there is a massive surprise hiding in the jean short pocket of Vin Diesel's muscle car franchise.

The folks at AICN are claiming that Jason Statham, the once-rumored villain for 'Furious 6' apparently sought for two movies, makes a cameo and will actually serve as the baddie for "Fast & Furious 7." You can read the entire breakdown at the movie site, but in short form, basically either at the end of 'Furious 6' or during the credits, there will be a cut to a scene featuring Jason Statham behind the wheel of a car. He smashes into the side of a car and turns it upside down. Who's in the car? Sung Kang! That's right, we're in the middle of "Fast & Furious: Toyko Drift" (for some reason) and Han dies (as he does in that movie), while Statham — playing Ian Shawn, brother of 'Furious 6' bad guy Owen Shaw played by Luke Evans — calls up Dom and warns him he's coming after him or whatever. BOOM.

Whether or not this is true, we'll have to wait and see, and why there is so much adherence to continuity is baffling when the producers have already said, "Fuck it, let's bring Michelle Rodriguez back." Anyway, until then, here's a new theatrical trailer bonerjam that has brief bits of new mantacular action.