Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Got a Tip?

‘Hellboy 3’ Is Probably Not Going To Happen Anytime Soon

With all the drama with Guillermo Del Toro and “The Hobbit” now over, we can now bother him with questions about another sequel the fanboys want him to make, “Hellboy 3.” And like “The Hobbit,” it seems like a project that is destined not to happen (at least not any time soon).

Speaking with MTV (via Empire) the director revealed that any discussions about a third installment of the franchise should be directed to actor Ron Perlman, “Everyone should ask Ron Perlman. He’s doing ‘Sons of Anarchy’ without make-up. He’s spoiled! He likes to be the big cheese without the make-up session.”

So, it looks like Perlman is too good for the makeup chair anymore. Harumph. It’s a bummer for Del Toro as well as he may not get to realize completion of the story, which seemed to be going into some seriously dark places, “The heartbreak for me is that I know how it ends and I don’t know if I want to see that ending. But I would love to do it.”

But don’t feel too sad for Del Toro. He’s dusted himself off and is preparing to shoot the James “3D Makes It Better” Cameron produced “At The Mountains Of Madness,” his long, long, long-in-the-works adaptation of the slender HP Lovecraft adventure/ horror novel not to mention the baker’s dozen of other projects he’s producing. He’s also quite friendly, so if you see him in your local comic shop, don’t hesitate to to go right up and talk to him.

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