Jaime King Says 'Sin City 2' Having Issues

Frank Miller is supposed to take over for Robert Rodriguez and direct “Sin City 2,” right? [ed. if you’ve seen “The Spirit” you know this a horrible idea].

Miller has said the film would be ready to shoot this April, something we scoffed at loudly at the time. Now ‘Sin’ star Jaime King is shedding more doubt.

“[The Weinestein’s] want to do weird things with the second one. Robert [Rodriguez] didn’t want to go down that route, so we’ve just been waiting till somebody knocked some sense into them, where we can do it the way we want to do it. None of the filmmakers or the actors were willing to sacrifice doing it any other way other than what we wanted to do it. I’m hoping we’ll do it sometime this year. But you know how movies are… I remember I was with Robert and he said we’re going in two months. I was like okay, we’ll have to work out everybody’s schedule. But then it got pushed. So you never really know with movies. It happens when it happens.”

See you in 2011. [Collider via First Showing]