Saturday, January 4, 2025

Got a Tip?

James Wan Included An ‘Aquaman’ Easter Egg Specifically For Edgar Wright

Judging by the massive box office, many of you out there decided to catch James Wan’sAquaman” over the holiday weekend. So, it shouldn’t be any surprise when I mention that the superhero film is chock full of everything you could possibly imagine a film featuring a fish man doing battle under the sea would showcase. “Aquaman” is an assault on the senses (both good and bad). And as you try to make sense of the barrage of imagery entering your eyeballs during its extended run-time, you probably missed one of the film’s numerous Easter Eggs. That is, unless your name is Edgar Wright.

Way back in 2016, the filmmaker behind “Baby Driver” and “Shaun of the Dead” tweeted at Wan, asking him a specific favor for his upcoming “Aquaman.” Wright asked the director if he would include a reference to the campy mid-’60s puppet series “Stingray.” And if Wan was able to include such a reference, Wright said, “Then I will personally give you an Oscar.”

READ MORE: Believe It Or Not, In A Rare Moment Of Restraint, James Wan Cut A Scene From ‘Aquaman’ For Being Too Weird

Well, Mr. Wright, you better figure out how to nab that Oscar.

Wan made good on the request, and in a scene early in the film, gave a shout out to the TV series. For those that have seen “Aquaman,” the moment happens when Arthur Curry’s dad finds Queen Atlanna washed up ashore. He brings her to the house, cleans her off, and tries to make her comfortable. After waking and being disoriented, Atlanna notices the TV making noise. The show that is playing on the TV is “Stingray.” It’s only there for a moment, as Atlanna throws her trident through the screen, but it was there nonetheless.

Wright recognized Wan’s effort and tweeted, “I have not seen @aquamanmovie yet, but as I understand @creepypuppet made good on this bet and now I owe him an Oscar. (cc: @TheAcademy: help me out pls).”

READ MORE: ‘Aquaman,’ ‘Black Panther’ & ‘First Man’ Among 20 Visual Effects Oscar Finalists

It appears that Wright will have to make his way down to the local trophy store and get a nice replica ready for Wan. However, if you’re the “Aquaman” director, you’re hoping for the real thing, as the superhero film is among the shortlist for the Visual Effects Oscar. Of course, the film faces some steep competition, so even though “Aquaman” throws the everything, including the kitchen sink, in the film, it’s not a guarantee for a nomination.

Either way, it would seem as if Edgar Wright was able to get himself his very own Easter Egg in one of the year’s biggest films. Not too shabby.

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