Producer Jason Blum Says Academy "Took A Step In The Right Direction" With New Oscar Changes

Clearly, if you’re someone that keeps track of “Film Twitter,” you know that yesterday’s announcement that the Oscars would be adding an Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film category was the source of plenty of debate. On the one hand, you have people saying that films, particularly genre films, have been left out of the Best Picture category for decades and the Academy took the necessary step of creating an award for those films. However, there’s a large contingent of people who believe that this category, which feels like a popularity contest, dilutes the Academy Awards and the prestige the Oscar carries with it.

In addition to the new category, the other major news surrounding the awards show is the new, shorter 3-hour run-time. Unlike the Popular Film debate, this new run-time has been generally praised, but there is still concern that less popular categories will be shoved to the side with the decreased run-time.

READ MORE: Analysis: ABC Pressures Oscars Into Popular Film Category Mistake

Well, all that being said, one of the fans of the new changes is none other than Blumhouse founder Jason Blum. The producer, who is most notably the man behind a string of seemingly never-ending micro-budget genre films that made big profits, was out at the premiere of Spike Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman,” when he was asked by Variety about the Academy Awards changes.

“I know it was a very hard thing to do politically, and I commend them for doing so,” Blum said. “The Academy Awards have to be entertaining to watch, and I really think they took a step in the right direction with this.”

However, when pressed to give his opinion about the Popular Film category, specifically, Blum was a bit more hesitant. “I think that remains to be seen,” the producer said.

Blum has had some recent Oscar success with his 2017 release, “Get Out.” Jordan Peele’s debut film received rave reviews and was nominated for numerous Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Peele eventually took home the trophy for Best Original Screenplay. But “Get Out’s” success on Oscar night is an anomaly for films of the horror/thriller genre. Now, with the Popular Film category, producers like Blum apparently have the opportunity to get more Oscar love. Or so it seems.

Of course, all the hubbub around the new category and 3-hour length won’t be put to bed until we see how it all plays out next February. Until then, let the debate rage on!