Jay Baruchel Goes Punk In Can-Rock Flick 'The Rebel Kind'

nullKnown as the place of free healthcare, politeness and saying "about" weird, you wouldn't initially think of Canada as a hotbed of punk rock, but for those of you dialed in, you already know the nation has laid claim to many legendary acts over the years (Nomeansno, D.O.A., Asexuals, The Diodes, SNFU, Subhumans etc.) and now Jay Baruchel, of all people, is going to help tell the story.

The Habs-lovin' comic actor is set to lead "The Rebel Kind," a film based on the memoir "Guilty Of Everything" by The Modernettes frontman John Armstrong (aka Buck Cherry). The book weaves the tale of the Vancouver punk scene 1980s and Armstrong's encounters with a host of colorful characters including Joey Shithead, Dimwit, Chuck Biscuits, Mary Jo Kopechne, Art Bergmann and more. While it's not confirmed, we presume Baruchel will play Armstrong himself, which is certainly a bit of a gear change for the actor, but he's got the wiry energy to pull it off (and sorta looks like him too, check out the video below).

But this is a bit of a way off. The tiny Canadian production has a budget of $5 million and won't roll in front of cameras until next fall, so you'll have to wait while yet to get your CanCon punk on. Reg Harkema wrote the script and will be directing.