Jessica Chastain Goes On The Hunt For Bin Laden In New Pics & Poster For 'Zero Dark Thirty'

nullIn a moment, it seemed to be over. When news emerged last year that the U.S. government had undertaken a daring, clandestine mission that resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the revelation came as a surprise. Nearly a decade after the horrific attacks on 9/11, the nation was a bit closer to closure. But how was Bin Laden found? How did the search continue through two different administrations in the White House? Well, strap in…

Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" is on the way, and for now the movie is keeping itself as classified as the reports on the actual operation. But what we do know is that Jessica Chastain leads the ensemble (which also includes Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt, Kyle Chandler, James Gandolfini, Mark Duplass and many more), and as the new international poster for the film reveals, her character has long been on the trail (and looks pretty dope in aviators). A couple new snaps give a further peek at the movie, but Sony seems to have struck a real balance between stoking excitement and keeping the big reveals under wraps.

"Zero Dark Thirty" opens in limited release on December 19th and nationwide on January 11, 2013. Watch the latest trailer right here. [Facebook/RecentMoviePosters]nullnullZero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelownull