Joaquin Phoenix: That's A Wrap

It’s official: Joaquin Phoenix is a retard, we mean, Joaquin Phoenix was retired from the world of acting.

The actor-turned musician confirmed to the world that he was done with his acting career for good this weekend when he turned up in Los Angeles at the AFI Festival screening of James Gray’s “Two Lovers,” which is allegedly his last film (it co-stars Gwyneth Paltrow).

Phoenix let it be known by writing in plain and simple “bye! good,” which leads us to believe that he is not only dyslexic, perhaps making a muddle choice, but totally retarded.

“It’s like greener pastures, you know what I mean?” Phoenix told the AP on Saturday. “And so, I’m just going to try and like, I’ll just be doing the other thing. … Hopefully, I will emotionally impact you with that, as well.”

Whatever, he was a pain in the ass. Good riddance and best of luck with your “music.” [Photo via Jezebel]