Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Paul Rudd Front-Runners For Edgar Wright's 'Ant-Man'

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Paul Rudd for ‘Ant-Man’

Well, if a place can be found for Vin Diesel in the Marvel-verse then anything is possible. That said, the two names emerging as front-runners for “Ant-Man” are surprising, but not exactly unpleasant.

Variety reports that Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Paul Rudd are the names topping the anthill (sorry) for the upcoming superhero flick. The duo are currently the “main contenders” to play Henry Pym, who can still kick tons of ass as an insect. The trade adds that another actor could come along and sneak into the mix, but right now it’s these two being talked about in boardrooms, and they are some good choices. We can see them both fitting in with Edgar Wright‘s comic sensibility (he co-wrote the script with Joe Cornish), and the chops to turn off the funny when needed (many folks forget Rudd is a more than capable dramatic actor too —see “The Shape Of Things” or “Diggers” among others).

Meetings and all that fun stuff still have to take place before a decision is made, so until that happens, debate below. “Ant-Man” arrives on July 31, 2015.