Katherine Heigl Has A Sly Way Of Saying She Wants Out Of 'Grey's Anatomy'

Katherine Heigl has already had one spat over “Grey’s Anatomy” when she was stuck in contract negotiations and now the actress has come up with a pretty sly way of saying, “This show sucks, I still want out, oh and I also want a full-time movie career.” She basically did not seek an Emmy nomination cause she thought the show this season was pretty meh.

“I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination and in an effort to maintain the integrity of the academy organization” decided against competing, Heigl said in a written statement.

Oooh, sly dig. Man, that’s creative. Too bad she pretty much alienated the Apatow crowd already. On the plus side we will see her battling polygamy on the big screen soon. [AP]

Update: We’re not the only one’s who see it like this. Grey’s “insiders” are apparently cheesed and calling her Emmy comments an “ungrateful slap.” We love the Heigl, think she’s adorbs and don’t watch (like ever, seriously; culturally clueless there), so if this means she’s on the big screen more often, we’re all for her ingratitude.