M. Night Shyamalan Reevaluates His Bombs, Says They're Totally Regarded As Awesome Now

You gotta love M. Night Shyamalan trying to be humble. In an interview with MTV, the director said he originally hoped to do a sequel to “Unbreakable,” his silly, mysterious super-hero movie, but the bad reviews and bad box-office convinced him otherwise. “I made a mistake getting caught up in the [negative] hype,” he said. But now he realizes, that much like “The Village,” “Unbreakable,” has been revisited and now re-regarded as a classic (or something like that). “That wasn’t the predominant feeling [at the time,]” Shyamalan said of the now-positive goodwill audiences now apparently see of “Unbreakable.” “Now it is [the predominant feeling]. Just as ‘The Village’ has rise [in stature].” ( that the film is actually well regarded).” Really? Says who? Last we checked these films still sucked. “The immediate reactions to my movie, over [time] has shown me, is not accurate to any of my movies.”Apparently we all realized his genius years later. Oh, holy night.