– Mexican domination alert. As you’ve heard, powerhouse Mexican triumvirate Alfonso Cuaron (“City Of Men”), Guillermo del Toro (“Pan’s Labryinth”) and Alejandro Gonzales Iñárritu (“Babel”) have started an indepedent production team called Cha Cha Cha (In just a few short years the three amigo directors have amassed 24 Oscar nominations between themselves). Their first feature will be, “Rudo y Cursi” (Rough and Corny) to be directed by Alfoso’s brother Carlos, who also co-wrote his breakthrough film, “Y Tu Mama Tambien.” To bring it full circle, the film will star the two hotties that made out and made women swoon in ‘Tu Mama’ (Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal). ‘Rudo’ tells the tale of two soccer playing friends embroiled in life-long competion. Iñárritu explains: “once again exploring the same themes of rivalry.” [Cinematical]
– Tim Burton is apparently now off the Jim Carrey vehicle, “Ripley’s Believe it Or Not.” [Coming Soon]
– Despite having ties to the vile “Family Guy” creator, Seth McFarlane, Robot Chicken: Star Wars is actually pretty amusing. [SuperDeluxxe]
– Marvel keeps pretending they’re a movie studio on top of a comic publication. Expect 10 new Howard The Ducks in the impending years. [New York Times]
– Coming to a lunchpail near you: Kurt Cobain. Courtney Love will liscense her dead husband’s likeness up the wazoo in the upcoming years. [Variety]
– Can Peter Berg (director of “Friday Night Lights”) make a film about the F.B.I.’s pursuit of Islamic fundamentalist in Saudi Arabia, entertaining? [NYTimes]
– Unctuous octeganarisn Stan Lee to give Paris Hilton the Striperella treatement? [PopWatch]
– One of the “Freaks & Geeks” writers wrote the script for the comedy spoof, “The $40,000 Man.” [Variety]
– We’re lazy, but thankfully someone has written up a nice highlights piece on the upcoming New York Asian Film Festival. [Papermag]
– Just like Tony Soprano? The Pirates mascot also loves onion rings. [Deadspin]