Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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New Poster & Images For Terrence Malick’s ‘The Tree Of Life’ Offers Snapshots Of Nature And Grace

At the rate news is building around Terrence Malick‘s “The Tree Of Life” you would think it starred a masked hero in spandex. But kudos to Fox Searchlight for turning the director’s cerebral film about existence, the universe and uh, dinosaurs into an event. A brand spanking new poster, two stills and two brand new sites for the film have been launched and while it hardly offers up anything particularly groundbreaking in terms of the film, it stokes the anticipation for the movie further.

First up the poster, courtesy of IMDB, offers a staggering array of new peeks at the film (and we’re sure some nerd out there is going to blow up each and every frame) tiled into a new one sheet. Yep, it looks solid. Meanwhile a Tumblr page and a website proper operating under Two Ways Through Life have debuted and offered up two more official stills from the film. Again nothing groundbreaking — they are scenes easily recognized from the trailer — but still, something to savor.

“The Tree Of Life” — as it was recently revealed — will hit the U.K. first on May 4th, Cannes about a week later and stateside on May 27th. Poster and pics below.

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