Nic Cage Says Herzog's 'Bad Lieutenant' Is A Reboot

Nicolas Cage, star of “Bad Lieutenant: Port of New Orleans,” has said that the new film is not a remake of the grim 1992 nun-raping extravaganza starring Harvey Keitel. Not only that, it’s a “reboot.”

“It’s a new version of ‘Bad Lieutenant’ in a whole new place. [Herzog] connects it to Bond – like there was more than one Bond,” Cage told MTV News. “[I play] a whole new character. He’s nothing like Harvey [Keitel’s] character.”

Cage also said,“[The original] movie was a result of Judeo-Christian programming,” Cage said of where the two will most diverge. “This one is much more existential.” The original film is famous for the numerous scenes in which Harvey Keitel shows his shlong. This brings up the question, will Cage also drop trou and give us a look at his “National Treasure?” He refused to comment on the matter. I guess we’ll see come 2009.