Our Boy Dids Is About To Get That Much More Awesome; Acting Career In Full Swing, Black 'Bourne' On The Way...

Sean “P.Diddy” Combs is the greatest living entertainer of all time. This is obvious. He’s a jet setting entrepreneur, a superstar producer, a multi-platinum rapper/musician, a dancer, a b/vlogger, a marathon enthusiast, an inventor (the remix, the manservant, the urban put-down), a style icon (Sean John), a DJ, a dance techno maven, a sly youtube satirist, and an actor (among various other talents) – but now your boy Diddy is gunning for an Oscar award.

Obvs Dids has been in some movies, but he’s steppin’ up his game and letting everyone know his new focus in on his acting career. In a lengthy interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Combs brought the real talk on his move into the film biz and he’s armed with a fucking plan. In fact, Diddy has a 10-step plan to Hollywood success.

Step no. 1? Spend more time near movie stars and people that produce movies. HR notes that Diddy spends “15 to 20 days every month in Los Angeles pursuing his acting career” (whoa! for the arithmetically challenged, that’s at least half a month).

Step No. 2: Change your name often to give off the essence of freshness. “One of the things about being an artist is you have different personalities that you channel artistically,” Combs said. Deep.

Step No. 3: Acting is serious business. Like Chris Bridges sand Curtis Jackson before him, when Dids acts he let’s all of Hollywood know he’s as serious as a heart attack and goes under the more refined name of Seanathan Combs.

Step 4. Port over your music mogul ideas: develop your own projects. And Did’s is doing just that. He’s going to be the new Matt Damon or Shaft or possibly Eddie Murphy. “I’m developing something tailor-made for where I want to go: a modern action, more realistic, black Bruce Willis/’Bourne Identity’/Quentin Tarantino. I want to do something where people take a ride with me. Like, if you were going to hang out with me for 48 hours, you have no idea what would happen.” [ed. amazing. This is going to be the greatest movie of all time].

Step 5. Shoot well beyond your natural born abilities. “I’ve always had a dream to play Miles Davis. There’s a script that’s out there that doesn’t have me playing him in the typical way.”

Step 6. Take a break from music and focus. Take meetings around town. “I need to be settled to record music. Right now my focus has been reading scripts and taking meetings and just introducing myself to people.”

Step 7. Implement humble actor routine. “I’m putting in the work. Really it may sound really crazy, but it’s just like any other aspiring actor.”

Step 8. Remind everyone you’re totally awesome and where you’re from, yo.”I’m a real strong New Yorker, like everybody knows me as that. If you come to New York you see my posters up everywhere, you’re going to hear my music, you may see me.” [ed. (starstruck) wow.]

Step 9. Talk about New York like it’s a sentient being with feelings, that is jealous and angry like a baby mama about your acting pursuit on another coast. “New York didn’t want me to move. I’m only bicoastal, but they’re not really happy with that. New York is not really happy with me being at Lakers games or being out here spending a lot of time with you guys.”

Step 10. Remind everyone you’re totally awesome… again. “It’s hard to play me. But somehow [Derek Luke of “Notorious“] did it. The crazy thing is still being young and having somebody play you in a movie … I’m probably going to have a movie open or be shooting down the block when this movie opens.”

Or seven!