Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Patrick Stewart Won’t Be In ‘Mad Max 4,’ First Look At ‘The Smurfs’ & Other Nerd News

Rumor of the Day: Harry Knowles gets an unsolicited email and he runs it as a story. Good to know… Anyhow, the rumor of the day (the unsolicited email of the day) is that Patrick Stewart might appear in “Mad Max 4.” It’s guess work really and, as it turns out, incorrect. MTV spoke to Stewart’s publicist and they said, nope, sorry, nice try. But it still allows us to make this fun graphic.

Geeks are creaming their jeans saying, hey, the “Dune” remake will be in 3D! Here’s an example of their overt-wishful thinking reporting. When asked, French director Pierre Morel (“Taken”) only says, “I don’t know. It’s so early in the project that we haven’t had that conversation yet. I’d love it to be 3D, of course. It’s the kind of movie that has the scope to be 3D. Will they do it in 3D? I’d push for that, but I don’t know. As a viewer, I’ve just been watching ‘Avatar’ with my kids twice in the theater already and had a blast. It’s an amazing experience.” Sure, it could happen, and that’s the trend these days, but keep your pants on.

“The First Avenger: Captain America” director Joe Johnston has given fans a small update. “We’re in prep. Rick Heinrichs is production-designing and we’re set up down in Manhattan Beach, California. The film begins in 1942, 1943, during World War Two. The stuff in the ’60s and ’70s comic books we’re sort of avoiding. We’re going back to the ’40s, and then forward to what they’re doing with Captain America now.”

Robert Downey Jr. has spoken out about “The Avengers” movie and would like to put quality before the schedule, even if that means pushing the 2012 date. “I’m not saying we can’t get there. I’m just saying it would be better to get there and not stay on schedule than to get everyone what they were hoping for in terms of a release date but not do it correctly. And by correctly, I mean my way,” he quipped.

Speaking of “Iron Man,” Jon Favreau has assured fans that just because Mickey Rourke’s hybrid character Whiplash isn’t in the comics doesn’t mean time and thought haven’t gone into this newly created villain. “Any changes [to story lines or characters from the comic books] won’t be made out of ignorance,” he reassured.

Wanna know what “The Smurfs” will look like when they hit the big-screen in their full CG-rendered glory? Here’s your first look.

Screenwriter/braintrust Kevin Williamson is saying that despite rumors to the contrary, he doesn’t want to use 3D technology for the upcoming “Scream” reboots. “I don’t think Scream lends itself to a 3D film. 3D films are all about things being thrown at you,” he said. We’ll see what the Weinstein Company says about that, but it is nice to hear of someone in Hollywood not eager to jump on the bandwagon.

Rumor of the day from last weekend: Sam Raimi wants to direct “The Shadow”? We’ll believe it when we see it.

Want to see concept art for “Green Lantern” which is pretty much just like looking at the comic books? Here ya go.

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