Ridley Scott: Rough Cut Of 'All The Money In The World' For Globes

“I move like lightning,” Ridley Scott declared about his ballsy move to replace all of Kevin Spacey‘s scenes in “All The Money In The World” and reshoot them with Christopher Plummer, just weeks out from the film’s release. The plan has made things tricky for any awards contention as we’re now right up against the wire when honors are handed out. But come hell or high water, Scott is going to make sure the powers that be see his movie — even if it’s not quite done.

Variety reports that members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, who vote for the Golden Globes, will get to see the movie on December 4th. It will be a rough cut of the movie, as reshoots are still ongoing, but with votes being tallied on December 7th, Scott wants to make sure he’s in the running (don’t forget, “The Martian” took home the trophy for Best Comedy — we know, we know — just a couple years back).

READ MORE: Ridley Scott Talks Kevin Spacey, Says ‘All The Money In The World’ Will Be Ready For Awards Groups

Again, Scott does not screw around when it comes to getting this movie done. “I’ve been shooting since Monday [Nov. 20] and in with the editor every night since then. We’re not dealing with celluloid anymore; it’s all digital, and I send [the footage each day] to [editor Claire Simpson] and she cuts it, and I can go in and look after shooting. Everything I’ve shot is already in [the final cut] up through yesterday morning,” he told EW.

So, it’s probably a good bet that even unfinished, “All The Money In The World” will be in pretty good shape when it screens next.

The movie opens on December 22nd, and in case you’re curious, you can see a side-by-side comparison of Spacey and Plummer from the film’s trailers below, via Nelson Carvajal and Free Cinema Now.