The Royal Ronson-Baums? Far From It

OK, unlike most Wes Anderson fans we don’t hold “The Royal Tenenbaums” in unassailable regard, so these photos of the Ronson family (Mark, Charlotte and Samantha) aren’t exactly sacrilegious heresy, but they’re not exactly great either. ‘Tenenbaums’ might not be Anderson’s pièce de résistance (despite what many thing), but the Ronson’s are pretty fucking far from royalty too (unless you consider getting Lilo to switch team’s a monumental achievement; which is well, debatable).

Oh, if you don’t know who this family is? Samantha Ronson is a DJ who dated Lohan and Mark Ronson is a actually a semi-respectable producer who tracked Amy Winehouse’s breakout record and the Dap-Kings. Their sister has been described as a dilettante, but maybe that doesn’t concern you. [via evilbeet].