Scary 'Dark Knight' Obsessives Launch Campaign For Further Domination: Now It's Oscars

The grass-roots fanbase of this year’s small, indie-film that could “The Dark Knight,” are apparently not content with being the top grossing movie of the year and have launched an online campaign to get their film an Oscar for Best Picture. The site, which proves that the ‘Dark Knight’ fan-boys are indeed legion (and frightening) and many and will not rest until every facet of day is transformed into an alternating Christopher Nolan, Heath Ledger worship session.

Listen, you have dominated the year so far, and we were kind of okay with that, but now you have gone to far in trying to take over the one place we thought was safe, The Academy Awards. We get it, you like the movie, but seriously, let it go, get a life, maybe ask someone out on a date (pretend they are Rachael Dawes if that helps.) Just whatever you do, stop attempting to fill the massive voids in your social life with characters from “Batman’ (trust us, they don’t love you back.)

In the end, our plea is probably in vain, because comes the Oscars, this thing will have enough clout not only to win Best Picture but every presenter will be under contract to swap their tuxedos for Joker costumes.

P.S. Try to tone down the creepiness on the promotional poster next time, you don’t want to a girl to know you spent time designing that poster.