Simon Kinberg Might Produce New 'Star Trek' Prequel & May Take Over As "Steward" Of Franchise

There are still quite a few questions when it comes to the “Star Trek” franchise on the big screen. Will Paramount be able to get the reboot cast back together for a fourth film? Will the studio go in a completely different direction? What’s up with the prequel film that seems to be moving forward? Honestly, it all just seems to lack a vision. But that might be changing.

READ MORE: ‘Star Trek’: ‘Andor’ Director To Helm New Prequel-Era Film, But ‘Star Trek 4’ Is Still On The Table

According to a report from Puck’s newsletter, it appears that Simon Kinberg, the man who helped shepherd the ‘X-Men’ film franchise for Fox, is in negotiations to produce the upcoming “Star Trek” prequel film and become what is being referred to as the “new steward” of the franchise. 

The report also claims that the prequel film, which is said to be directed by “Andor” helmer Toby Haynes, will be the next “Star Trek” film to go in front of cameras, likely in early 2025. From there, it’s being speculated that Kinberg might use the prequel as a way to reboot “Star Trek” yet again for the big screen. And if that’s the case, and the prequel does well enough with fans, then perhaps Kinberg would become the producer with the much-needed vision.

That doesn’t mean that the eventual “Star Trek 4” is being shelved. The report said that “Star Trek 4” does have a script, but it’s more a difficulty to wrangle the cast, as well as pay them the big bucks that is required to get them to come together again.

Of course, there’s also the looming potential Paramount acquisition. It’s being reported that Sony (plus some investors) are looking to purchase the studio. If that happens, there could be even more complications with the “Star Trek” franchise, but it’s too early to speculate about that. 

Regardless, it does appear that a new ‘Trek’ film is coming soon, and Kinberg might just be the guy to finally give the franchise some guidance.