What movies are going to be in Oscar contention this year? Baz Luhrman’s World War II epic “Australia” will likely be mentioned, no? Clint Eastwood’s period piece “Changeling”, David Fincher’s adaptation of an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story centered around a man who ages backward, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and apparently, the emotional “Short Circuit” animated re-do, “Wall-E”?
Last we checked it was clocking in a 97 percent fresh rating on rottentomatoes.com, which is better than last years best picture winner, “No Country for Old Men” (95 percent fresh), and destroys Paul Thomas Anderson’s epic about an oil man or something, “There Will Be Blood” (91 percent fresh) – it had real humans in it so it was pretty boring.
And every one’s going ape-shit for it now and calling it The Best Picture of the Year. New York Magazine for one are going a little overboard.
You guys called it. We hope you remember come Oscar time, as we’ll be right here to remind you of your foolish proclamations. [ed. Yes, it’ll win Best Animated Picture, but duh, if Pixar doesn’t win that award each year they put out a film, they should be shamed.] Wait, are you all the same people that said “Ratatouille” would get a Best Picture nomination? [eye roll]