Thursday, March 27, 2025

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‘Spider-Ham: The Series?’ Sony Reportedly Interested In ‘Spider-Verse’ Spin-Off TV Projects

January isn’t just a time when everyone around the world comes together to talk film awards season and what we might expect at the Oscars. No, there are other things going on the world, such as the year’s biggest technology expo, CES. But don’t worry, we’re not going to talk about the newest TVs or laptops. Instead, we want to talk about Sony’s breakout end-of-year hit “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” and how it might be spinning off and coming to those new fancy TVs.

In a new report detailing Sony’s presence at the CES show that’s currently happening in Las Vegas, the New York Times talked about the studio’s plans for expanding its entertainment offerings in the coming years. And it’s during that rundown of what the studio has on its plate that the report offers a new bit of information – Sony is feeling out the idea of spinning off some of its ‘Spider-Verse’ characters into animated series.

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That’s right, soon you may live in a world where there’s a “Spider-Ham” animated series. Rejoice!

No other information was given, but it’s clear that Sony is looking at its Golden Globe-winning success with ‘Spider-Verse’ and developing a whole universe-worth of titles to go along with it. We already know the studio is moving forward with a sequel to the film, focused on Miles Morales, as well as another spin-off film focusing on Spider-Gwen, voiced by Hailee Steinfeld, and a few other female Spider-folk. However, if the report is accurate, and Sony is interested in TV spin-offs, the world of ‘Spider-Verse” might get a whole lot weirder.

With the lower cost of TV animation, and the willingness of the studio to take risks on the ‘Spider-Verse’ characters, we could theoretically be looking at spin-offs featuring Spider-Man Noir, voiced by Nic Cage in the film, Peni Parker, and yes, perhaps even Spider-Ham.

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As the film alludes to, each character introduced in ‘Spider-Verse’ comes from their very own universe of characters and situations, which means any of the characters are ripe for spin-offs. Why not do a hard-boiled (but children-friendly) noir cartoon featuring Spider-Man Noir? Or, as we’ve been campaigning hard for during this writing, a cartoon featuring John Mulaney voicing the Looney Tunes-esque Spider-Ham, with special appearances by the animal versions of our favorite heroes like Throg (frog version of Thor), Captain Americat (cat version of Captain America), and Hulk-Bunny (you get the idea). And yes, those are all real characters.

We’ll keep an eye out for all things Spider-Ham in the coming months to see if there’s any movement on a potential series.

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