TCM Breathes Life Into Tribute To 2008 Departed Stars

Maybe it’s just us but we always have found the Academy Awards tribute to the year’s deceased to be a bit dull [ed. heresy!] . Luckily, Turner Classic Movies produces a poetic and touching montage every December that does justice to the subject. Unfortunately Eartha Kitt wasn’t included due to the time it was made. Make sure and pour a little bit of your 40 on the block tonight for Catwoman, or at least put out some Fancy Feast.

Humorous responses to grave matters aside, you can check out the previous years’ works all the way back to 2003 here: 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.

The 2008 selection is set to Joe Henry’s “God Only Knows,” off his 2007 album Civilians. Thank the lord they didn’t go with Kid Rock’s “Only God Knows Why.” Charlton Heston would have crawled out of his grave screaming, “You maniacs! You blew the moment up! Damn, you Ted Turner’s apes! God damn you all to hell!” – Adam Sweeney