'The Fountainhead': Zack Snyder Still Wants To Make His "Super Fun And Crazy" Film About "Architecture And Sex"

Recently, it was announced that filmmaker Zack Snyder was going to take a break from superhero films, after leaving the DCEU in the rearview mirror, and venture back into the genre that really put him on the map — zombies. However, before his “Army of the Dead” was announced, the filmmaker publicly said that he wanted to adapt Ayn Rand’s novel “The Fountainhead” for the big screen.

Since that was announced, there’s been no word on “The Fountainhead” or anything relating to the project from Snyder. But in a new interview with ComicBookDebate, the director opens up about the project and its status, especially in today’s political climate.

READ MORE: The Internet Is Not Really Here For Zack Snyder’s Take On ‘The Fountainhead’

“‘The Fountainhead’… It’s still important to me, but it’s a really touchy subject right now,” said Snyder. “People will think it’s hardcore right-wing propaganda, but I don’t view it like that. I just think the story is super fun and crazy and melodramatic about architecture and sex.”

The novel tells the story of Howard Roark, a young architect that refuses to conform to the traditions of his trade and strives to be an innovator in the field.

He continued, “It’s about time we get a different president so we don’t take shit so seriously!”

The potential controversy surrounding a ‘Fountainhead’ film rests heavily on the shoulders of author Ayn Rand. Due to the popularity of her writing, and the ideas formulated in her books, Rand has become a bit of a figurehead for modern Libertarianism. And in today’s politics, many folks that follow Rand’s political views are seen to be far-right and alt-right. As you might expect, that’s the type of content that isn’t probably going to be the most popular in 2019.

READ MORE: Dave Bautista Cast In Zack Snyder’s Upcoming Zombie Heist Film ‘Army Of The Dead’

That being said, Rand, during her life, rejected the labels of Libertarian and Conservative, even when her ideas seemed to venture in that realm. But for Snyder, he looks at Rand differently than most.

“I think she’s incredible and insane and she’s always said story first, not regarding her politics,” said the filmmaker. “But it was easy for her to fall victim to her own popularity, and she drank her own Kool-Aid.”

He continued, “She didn’t give a fuck. If she was alive right now she would’ve fucking murdered Donald Trump. She didn’t even like Reagan! She thought he was a nationalist. But I’m rambling now, sorry!”

Before Snyder even attempts to revive “The Fountainhead,” the filmmaker has to finish his upcoming “zombie heist” film titled “Army of the Dead,” which is coming to Netflix sometime next year.