The Mix: Toronto Goes Tokyo In 'Pacific Rim' Footage; Donald Glover Set For 'Spider-Man' Cameo (Sort Of) & More

So, Guillermo Del Toro‘s big secret blockbuster “Pacific Rim” is now shooting in the chameleonic Toronto, but instead of standing in for New York City or Chicago as it usually does, the streets have been completely redone as Tokyo. CBC News has a report which shows off some flashes of sets and behind the scenes action, and yes, they do call it “Still Seas” which we presume is the working title being tossed around town so fanboys don’t storm with the city with dodgy cell phone cameras. Watch below.

Oh, so remember all minor and kind of really annoying campaign to make Donald Glover the new Spiderman? Well, it looks like it paid off in a weird way as he’ll be featured somehow in “The Amazing Spider-Man.” “There’s some stuff in Spider-Man’s bedroom that’s reflective of his musical or television taste,” Glover teased about his possible apperance. “I’m not allowed to talk about it. I had to sign some stuff, but I think it’s pretty dope.” So, is Peter Parker a Childish Gambino fan or something? [MTV via Vulture]

Here’s your bi-weekly “Arrested Development” update courtesy of Will Arnett: “We’re about to start making the ‘Arrested Development’ miniseries and then right into the movie this summer.” Now do the chicken dance. [DigitalSpy]

Whitney Houston expert of the year Kevin Costner has revealed the rather dubious co-star he might’ve had for the never-made “The Bodyguard” seuqel: “[Princess] Diana and I had been talking about doing ‘Bodyguard 2,’ I told her I would take care of her just the same way that I took care of Whitney. She wanted me to write it for her. I said, ‘I’ll tailor it for you if you’re interested’. She goes, ‘I am interested’.” Whatever you say. [DigitalSpy]

Recently, David Simon got some heat for suggesting in an interview with the New York Times that latecomers to “The Wire” weren’t worthy of talking about the show, but he’s since clarified his remarks to HitFix: “Let me say this: my apologies to anyone for saying, or trying to say, ‘You’re not cool if you didn’t get to The Wire early, and I only want you to watch the show on my terms.’ What I was saying is ‘The Wire’ has been off the air for four years now. That it would be celebrated with things like who’s cooler, Omar or Stringer, at this late date, and that the ideas of the show would be given short shrift, those were the target of my comments. And through a miscommunication — probably my fault, I have no way of knowing — I have apparently told everybody that I don’t want the show watched except on Sunday night at 10 o’clock, which apparently is the exact opposite of things I’ve been saying in interviews for years. It is contradictory of everything I’ve said before. I’m reading it in the paper and I’m not making sense to myself. Sorry. My bad.” It’s cool bro, and for the record, Omar is cooler than Stringer.

Image of Donald Glover from Next.